Supplier Quality Manual
The purpose of this manual is to communicate Link's quality requirements and expectations to suppliers. It is the intent of Link to do business with suppliers who are able to provide parts, materials, processes and services consistently to specifications, at a competitive price, and in accordance with the defined delivery schedule. The manual is intended to assist suppliers in their understanding of requirements regarding specific management, communication, and reporting processes.
Supplier Code of Conduct
A Supplier Code of Conduct is a set of guidelines and expectations that Link establishes for its suppliers to ensure ethical, social, and environmental responsibility throughout the supply chain. The purpose of such a code is to promote responsible business practices, sustainability, and compliance with legal and ethical standards.
Code of Conduct
Link enjoys an invaluable reputation for corporate trustworthiness, based on consistently conducting business with integrity and in compliance with the laws and regulations governing its activities. Success in business depends on building and maintaining the trust of customers, shareholders, employees, governments and the general public.
Terms & Conditions
Link partners with numerous local, regional, national and global suppliers. This document lays out the specific criteria and expectations that need to be met in order to enter into a purchase agreement with Link.