Military Grade Trailer Designed For Extreme Conditions

The MSVS Trailer brings unique mission capabilities to logistic support operations. Capable of hauling 22,000 lbs., the trailer is extremely versatile and can be used to haul 20ft cargo containers, mobile workshops, or communications center. The military grade trailer has been in service with the Canadian Army on its HESV fleet for over two decades with over 300 units in service.

Additionally, over 2,000 Link military tactical trailer suspensions are in service with the British Army, U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Marine Corps, and NASA. The suspension underwent five years of grueling testing with the USMC MTVR Trailer Program before being approved for fielding with active units in the field.

100% Compliant With The Department Of National Defense

This wealth of experience has been incorporated into MSVS Trailer, which combines a state-of-the-art tactical trailer suspension with the best design practices in trailer structures from major tactical and logistical vehicle programs. This combined experience has attributed to a 30-year trailer lifespan and is 100% compliant with the Department of National Defense.


  • A rendering of the MSVS trailer featuring its high strength steel frame

    High Strength Steel Frame

    The trailer's ridged frame is engineered with high grade steel with low temperature resistance. The trailer has a 30-year life span and is 100% compliant with the DND.

  • A rendering of the MSVS trailer featuring engineered vertical rolling bolsters

    Engineered Vertical Rolling Bolsters

    The trailer incorporates vertical rolling bolsters that permit fast loading by a truck without the need for additional equipment, eliminates wear and ensures smooth operation of the bolsters.

  • A rendering of the MSVS Trailer featuring the accessible spare trailer tire

    Accessible Spare Trailer Tire

    The spare tire can be lowered from either side of the trailer for easy recovery in adverse terrain. Two soldiers are able to change the tire assembly using only equipment provided with the trailer.

  • A rendering of the MSVS trailer featuring the retractable landing legs & adjustable bumper

    Retractable Landing Legs & Adjustable Bumper

    The bumper and landing legs retract within the trailer envelope to eliminate the chance for damage. The landing legs raise and lower quickly for mobility.

  • Military Tactical Trailer Suspension


    The durability of the design is RAM-D proven and is fully submersible without preparation up to 1,525mm (60 inches).

  • A rendering of the Military TTS displaying how it meets MTBMF requirements


    The suspension has a high level of redundancy, only four moving parts, and the ability to continue operation with air springs deflated in both laden and unladen conditions.

  • A rendering of the Military TTS featuring the minimal ILS footprint


    The components are symmetrical where possible reducing the ILS footprint to a minimum. Each part is replaceable at the unit level using standard tools.

  • A rendering of the Military TTS featuring the walking beams with skid shoes


    The trailers walking beams and skid shoes support the laden weight of the trailer. Additionally, the skid shoes protect the trailers brake system from hazardous terrain and debris.

  • A rendering of the Military TTS featuring the air springs


    The air springs contain an internal rubber jounce stop, which will support the trailer during airless operation with less than two inches in drop. This feature allows the tailer to avoid immobilization.

  • A rendering of the Military TTS featuring the polyurethane bushings


    The anti-corrosive bushings provides durability and minimal maintenance. The bushings do not require grease and the bar pin end bushing shims allow for easy alignment.


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