Insight From Link Experts
Link experts provide insight on topics relating to Link's products, industry trade shows and the company itself.
The Work Ethic of Millennials
May 19, 2015
Denny MichelsPerceptions are interesting. They shape our decision-making. Sometimes they’re right on target. Other times, not so much. The challenge is not letting generalizations about our co-workers cloud our perception of their value. This is even more important when you’re in the role of a leader.
What's In A Tagline
May 22, 2014
Denny MichelsWe recently went through the process of creating a new tagline for Link as part of a renewed branding effort. Like any good tagline, we wanted a short statement that would quickly and memorably describe the unique qualities of Link and serve as a unifying consistent theme – connecting all of our marketing and branding …
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